Tailgate & Party Fund

This fund is intended to encourage student organizations to program on the weekends for the campus community, specifically in the CAVE or the Web. 

This funding will support RSO Tailgates or Weekend Parties (Thursday - Saturday) only. RSO's are limited to one instance of each per year. This means any RSO can request funding for both a tailgate and a weekend party (through separate applications) once per year. These funds may not be used for the purchase of alcohol, but can be used for other items such as food, decorations, DJ, or insurance policies for an event with alcohol. All events with alcohol must follow the Events with Alcohol Policy

Full details and regulations regarding eligibility and use of the fund can be found on the application linked to the right. Any party or tailgate must follow all RSO Event Planning Policies, including a registration in Presence and in EMS 14 days in advance.