Contingency Funds for SOBAC Organizations

The contingency process is independently run by RCSGA and WCGA. It is designed to support newly recognized groups, as well as current organizations facing unanticipated expenses or in need of additional funds. Organizations interested in applying for contingency funding are encouraged to email the SOBAC co-chairs at


  1. All SOBAC organizations are eligible to apply for contingency. Please note, that when addressing the application the respective governments will inquire as to the financial resources already held by the organization. 
  2. Non-SOBAC (selective) organizations are eligible to apply for contingency as well. Their applications must be for an event open to all of campus in order to be considered. 


  1. Submit a contingency request in SpiderCentral. On the request form, you will need to indicate if you are applying for funding from RCSGA, WCGA, or both. Please answer all questions on the form with as much specificity as possible.
  2. Schedule a presentation. The SOBAC co-chairs will contact you to schedule a presentation at an RCSGA and/or WCGA meeting. Organizations are required to submit their brief, 3-5 minute presentation to the SOBAC co-chairs prior to attending the meeting.
  3. Present at RCSGA/ WCGA. Since the processes are run independently, you will have the opportunity to present to one or both of the bodies. It is also encouraged to present at joint meetings with both bodies in attendance in order to prevent having to attend multiple meetings. The dates of the joint meetings are listed in the contingency request form in Presence.
    WCGA Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. Westhampton Living Room
    RCSGA Wednesdays, 7 pm. Whitehurst Living Room
  4. Receive notice about the status of your request. RCSGA and/ or WCGA will vote on approving your request and the SOBAC co-chairs will contact you with the decision following the meeting.