Student Organization Funding
Registered student organizations (RSOs) are funded in a variety of ways, depending on their membership status or if their classification. To learn more about types of organizations, please review the Student Organization Handbook.
Sponsored Organizations are funded by their sponsoring department. Examples of sponsored organizations are Campus Ministries and Sports Clubs.
Registered Student Organization funding depends on the membership status:
- Open membership organizations are eligible for annual funding through SOBAC. Open membership organizations cannot charge members dues or fees, but they are permitted to fundraise or gain funding from outside sources.
- Selective membership organizations are not eligbile for annual funding through SOBAC, but are eligible for SOBAC Contingency Funding for events that are opne to the entire campus community. Otherwise, they are entirely self-funded organizations through member dues or fees, fundraising, other outside sources.
Registered student organizations (no matter their type or membership status) are not permitted to solicit funds directly from deans, offices, and/or departments. Please refer to the Policy on Support for Student Organizations and Student-Initiated Events and Projects for more information.
Additional Funding Opportunities
If an organization is in need of additional funding at any point during the year, there are a number of opportunities available for them secure funding:
SOBAC Contingency Funding
The SOBAC Contingency process is independently run by RCSGA and WCGA. It is designed to support newly recognized groups as well as current organizations facing unanticipated expenses.
Gottwald Speaker’s Fund
The Gottwald Speaker’s Fund is an endowment intended to assist student organizations in financially supporting efforts to bring speakers to the university. The goal is to create dynamic, diversified programming to positively impact the campus community.
Supplemental Funding
The purpose of Supplemental Funding is to provide a central location for student organizations to submit a request for supplemental funding. Upon receipt of the request, the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) will review and direct requests to the appropriate funding sources (i.e. departments, schools, offices).
Quigg Prize for Philanthropy
The H. Gerald Quigg Prize for Philanthropy is a $2500 prize designed to honor student organizations for their noteworthy or exemplary philanthropic work. Applications are due annually in the spring semester and funding is awared for the following academic year.
Gertrude Murrell duPont Fund
The Gertrude Murrell duPont Fund is used by faculty for students who are participating in curricular, co-curricular, or faculty-sponsored group trips to attend events of musical, theatrical, dance, or artistic interest in Richmond or the vicinity, including Washington, D.C. and other major nearby cities, such as Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York.