Posting & Advertising within Tyler Haynes Commons
Tyler Haynes Commons and the University Forum are great locations for organizations and departments to advertise and promote events to the campus community. There are digital signs and traditional bulletin boards throughout the first and second floors that are available for digital and print materials. Vinyl banners can line the second floor hallway, a main thoroughfare through the building that thousands traverse each day. The University Forum and its iconic bricks are a great spot for organziations and departments to use sidewalk chalk to catch passerby attention.
The following are policies and procedures for promoting events and services in Tyler Haynes Commons and The Forum. These policies and procedures are reviewed each summer.
Updated August 2023
Digital Signage (D-flyers)
In order to provide students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors with the latest way to stay up-to-date about programs, events and opportunities, screens run along the second-floor walkway. Any University-affiliated group can submit announcements for display (some restrictions apply). Student Involvement controls the screens in Tyler Haynes Commons, but other campus locations also have screens for the display of d-flyers and are operated separately.
Format Requirements
- A digital flyer (dflyer) must meet certain standards
- Dflyers must fit the widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio
- Preferred dimensions are 1280x720 pixels
- Dflyers must be submitted as .jpg, .png, .gif, or .pdf
All dflyers should follow some simple guidelines:
- Minimize your words! A dflyer shows for about six seconds. Keep fonts large and easy to read.
- Use graphics large enough to not appear stretched or pixelated
- You may submit multiple flyers which will play for a total of six seconds
- You may submit up to 8 seconds of video. WMV formats work best. It should be a large format to fit the big screens
- Powerpoint animation does not work on the displays
See the University’s logo policy, or request logos for use in dflyers.
Submit a Dflyer
Given the high volume of submissions, any given event may have one (1) dflyer which may run for up to seven (7) consecutive days. Do not resubmit the same or a different dflyer to promote the same event. Events with multiple sponsors may only have one dflyer.
Dflyers must be submitted via email to dflyers@richmond.edu. You should allow three business days for approval. Include a preferred start and end date for your dflyer to run. A dflyer may be submitted no more than one month before it will run. Email questions to dflyers@richmond.edu.
If the event is canceled, please cancel the dflyer by email, or if necessary, submit a new d-flyer advertising the cancellation.
Channel and screen location of dflyers will be at the discretion of Student Involvement. Student Involvement reserves the right to edit the content of your dflyer and to refuse posting when appropriate.
Digital signage space is limited. A group may have no more than two dflyers on any given day. Student Involvement may refuse to post a flyer or bump an already posted flyer if staff determine the channels to be full. Please be considerate in limiting the frequency and length of display times. Student Organization dflyers will be prioritized over other submissions. Services, greetings, product promotions, weekly meetings, and non-date-specific advertisements will not be prioritized for approval.
These digital signage policies apply to Tyler Haynes Commons. Exceptions to any policy herein will be made at the discretion of Student Involvement staff.
Printed Flyers & Posters
There are several locations in Tyler Haynes Commons that are approved to post flyers and announcements. Any flyers posted outside of approved areas will be removed and recycled.
- Use only thumbtacks or pushpins. Student Involvement has a supply of tacks for you to borrow. Do not use tape, staples, nails, or similar items
- ONE posting per board per event
- Sponsorship (by office or registered student organizations) is required to be printed on the flyer; flyers without sponsorship printed or if unrecognized student organizations post flyers, they will be removed
Approved Areas
1st Floor Hallway: Community and long-term-focused, announcements may be posted on both bulletin boards located in the 1st floor hallway. Departments and registered student organizations may post here, but community members and non-affiliated groups may also post here.
All postings will be removed on the 1st of each month. If you would like to save your flyer or re-post for a longer duration, you are responsible for removing the flyer prior to the last day of the month and re-posting after the 1st.
2nd Floor Hallway: On-campus events and meetings focused by departments and registered student organizations, announcements may be posted on the bulletin boards of the 2nd floor hallway.
Postings will be removed after the event date. If there is no date listed, the flyer will be removed on the 1st of the month. If you would like to save your flyer or re-post for a longer duration, you are responsible for removing the flyer and re-posting.
Unapproved Areas
Patios, walls, windows, brick columns, metal columns on the patios, and doors
There are 10 approved banner locations available for departments or registered student organizations in Tyler Haynes Commons. 8 locations correspond to the tabling locations in the main hallway on the second floor in THC and 2 are on the main stairwell in the middle of the building leading up from the first to second floor.
All banner content must be approved by the Center for Student Involvement prior to the request being confirmed. Please email the design and content of your banner to involved@richmond.edu with your EMS reservation number.
Banner Size & Details:
- Need to be printed double sided (or provide two copies of the banner)
- Banners should be vinyl material
- Banners should have the same content on both sides
- Four to six grommets need to be punched into the banner running across the top
- The University Print Shop has several size options for single-sided banners:
- 24" x 48"
- 24" x 78"
- 24" x 84" (custom size)
- 30" x 48"
- 30" x 78"
- 30" x 84" (custom size)
- 30" x 96"
- Double-sided banners can be purchased from VistaPrint in many of the above sizes
- Banners should be no taller than 30" and no longer than 96" in order to fit appropriately along the hallway
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact involved@richmond.edu.
Reserving a Banner Space:
All requests to reserve a banner space must be made at least seven business days in advance and submitted via the Event Management System (EMS). A banner request does not guarantee a banner space. You must receive a confirmation from the Center for Student Involvement.
Banner location 1 is closest to the Hanging Lounge, Banner 8 is closest to the Bonner Center for Civic Engagement.
- Banners can be displayed for 30 days (1 month) maximum. EMS will only let you reserve it for 5 consecutive days. If you would like to extend your banner reservation up until the 30 days, please email kkapsak@richmond.edu.
Set Up and Take Down:
- Set Up: Organizations or departments who have a confirmed banner space are required to drop off their banner at the CSI front desk at least 5 business days in advance before the banner should be hung. Once the item is dropped off, the Center for Student Involvement will schedule a facility work order to have the banner hung. We cannot schedule a banner to be hung until it is dropped off.
- Take Down: Organizations and departments are responsible for picking up their banner within 48 hours of the reservation ending. The Center for Student Involvement does not provide storage or hold banners that were taken down for more than the 48-hour grace period. If you need to extend that window of time, please email involved@richmond.edu to coordinate a pickup time.
Sidewalk Chalk
The ground-level brick surface of The Forum is a public chalking area. Use only sidewalk chalk which will wash away with rain and will not stain. Do not chalk vertical surfaces, the Commons patios, or any area obscured from rainfall. Any group chalking in a prohibited area will be required to remove the chalk immediately.
The Center for Student Involvement has sidewalk chalk kits available for student groups to check out from the Information Desk.